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sortakinda is a pud

Are you a Psuedo-Hippy?

Bus, the Magic Bus

Part 2.

How to Get Real

Ok, you've discovered you're a poser--what can you do about it?

Follow this guide to be a real hippy;

Sell all your shit

Give away all the cash--money isn't real!

Discover the bounties of the scavenger lifestyle

Stop watching tv. Instead, find a sacred spot, sit down, space out.

organic gardening

toss out that deodorant! Those bras too.

Obtain a couch gypsy

start a land co-op

change your name

shop for comfy leg manacles for upcoming protests

Practice the "Hippy Dash" (throw pot one way, dash other way in futile attempt to elude police)

stop paying for drugs and grow your own

start assembling your geodesic dome

eat a shitload of mushrooms for days

learn reiki/energy field manipulation/shiatsu/yoga/tai-chi/swedish massage/reflexogy/--anything to get your hands on the cute hippy girls

choose a handicraft (beadwork, pottery) to immediately start losing money with.