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sortakinda is a pud

Are you a Psuedo-Hippy?

Free love, cute girls, drugs, it's all good! But might you be a Credit Card Kerouac?

Hey man,

So you've finally gotten out of your suburbanite parents' home and you've got your futon on somebody's floor. You're embracing the hippy lifestyle full-on. But being a hippy is hard work! You can't just buy your way into the commune. Here are some clues you may be a Psuedo-Hippy:

Fruitopia bottles all over the place

You burn Phish and Widespread Panic cd's

Your feet have tough leather patches from repeated exposure to hacky-sacks

Your brand new Range Rover has a dancing bear sticker

You have money in the bank

Going camping means heading to REI and stocking up on the latest Timberland gear

You have a black lab (purebred) with a bandana around it's neck

Extensive collection of handblown glass pipes

Won't touch "shwag", or have special bowl for it so as not to taint the one you use for the KB.

4:20 never passes without comment

Brand new Birkenstocks

You only drink Newcastle or the latest Pale Ale, domestic beer is "shwag."

You went to woodstock '99

You heard Jacob Dylan's dad used to be in a band or something.

You're all into "the Tao" but still pronounce it wrong

Noam Whosky?

You believe anyone with dreadlocks is automatically cool and won't rip you off

Next Page: How to Get Real!